The telecommunications market is booming: it responds to changing user demand in terms of content, high-speed and mobile connectivity, and the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data. All of these factors stimulate demand in terms of network capacity.
However, market players face many challenges:
Network architectures
Need to adapt network architectures to make them more flexible and efficient (Virtualization & SDN, Convergence with Information Systems and Cloud ) to meet these new use cases while minimizing investments. In addition, deployments of dedicated networks to support IoT and 5G have already begun.
Strong competition from new disruptive players (startups, Internet content providers, GAFAs ...)
Consolidation of the market (reduction of the number of operators, the number of equipment manufacturers ...)
Diversification of activities
Stagnation and even lower revenues (voice & data) and therefore need for diversification of activities and services offered to individuals and businesses.