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For all governments and administrations, the digital revolution is a major axis of development. It aims to improve the quality of public services, provide a modernized work environment and control public spending while optimizing the means. This modernization goes beyond the notion of economic profitability and turns towards the continuous improvement of the user experience.

The objective is to maximize dematerialization in order to simplify administrative procedures, and to personalize and develop online services.

There are 4 major challenges to overcome:

  • Simplify and automate processes.
  • Strengthen information security.
  • Facilitate the search for information.
  • Improve collaboration around documents.

These are all complementary solutions that must communicate with each other within the information systems but also guarantee administrations to meet the expectations of citizens for Omni-channel, mobile, almost instantaneous communications, and ensure compliance with a legal and regulatory context ever stricter especially in terms of digital trust. Thus, the optimal processing of data, Big Data and Analytics is at the heart of these exchanges.